PATRON Banyan House & PATRON House 2016 editions
Ceiling fans, both speed and on-off options
Lamps and lighting on-off options
Oven Door opens and closes on touch
Refrigerator Doors open and close on touch
Built in cabinetry open and close on touch
Entry doors in all areas have two specific Owner only activated settings
Retracting drapes on touch drop or recede
Kitchen taps flow, water fills the sink or recedes
Clicking the controls under the main stove turns the flames on or off
The PATRON Banyan house features that you would normally expect to automate when not Inworld, simply do.
Items that are simply activated on touch are as follows.
Banyan House Double Door sets have two different function modes. On rez they are set to open and close automatically with a gentle 30 second delay. The alternate option for Owners is to have the doors set to manual function, should this be a preference. As a Banyan Home Owner desiring to change between modes, simply hold your mouse key down for a second or more when touching the door and then, when you release it, it changes the mode as well as notifies you that it's done.

This Icon is exclusively seen in the staged Office Area of the Banyan House. It's a one click panel to activate a privacy screen in the area, also giving your Aquarium a beautiful abstract copper background. The World in or out, your choice.

This Icon represents another function of the Aquarium, the option to enhanced lighting for users preferring to enjoy their home in darker light settings in general without losing the potential beauty of the luminescence of the original design.

This Icon represents the Security Butler. Owner only activation. One click activation, the panel itself will illuminate when it is in on mode & a further message given to confirm. The Security Butler quite simply sends you an IM notification when a guest arrives anywhere in your home, also when they depart. If you wish to monitor your home when not Inworld, set your offline IM's to email.
The PATRON Butler Icon. Throughout the Banyan House and it's numerous recreational spaces you will find this panel. While unhidden, they have been discreetly placed. Owners and guests have unlimited access to the Butler system on touch. Once familiar with your home you will know exactly where each is located, all areas have been covered without the potential of unwarranted visual intrusion.