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Patron House 2016


Note from Eliza Wierwight


After the considerable and ongoing acclaim of Banyan House I returned to the PATRON main SIM to give her the attention she was due. In the course of the revision I made the decision to return to my first home design, the PATRON House, and revise to more contemporary standards, especially in as much as the original home remains well adored by many, including myself, to this day. 


This  process was predominantly going to see garden revisions with the gorgeous mesh accents afforded Banyan. However, once I started, the pursuit in itself took on more epic proportions as I saw my initial design anew. I may possibly have just got a little urrrmn 'carried away'. I don't regret a moment though, not one. The PATRON House is clearly up to current standards. The design is modified to a more contemporary feel, warmer textures, refined animations, the PATRON Experience Butler System, Experience prop retrieval and so much more.


Long story short, I'm in love with this home again,  and you're  so welcome to view it  directly  Inworld and appraise first hand. 


I'll be documenting more about the home here over the next few days as time permits.


In the interim, for those that wish to consider acquiring the PATRON Home sooner  please see details below.


Eliza Wierwight




Note : Existing PATRON Home customers please scroll to the end of the notes on this page to see exclusive an offer.


The Patron House 2016  is sold unfurnished.


It does however retain  all design features inherent to the imperative character of the home. 


Inclusions include


  • All gardens & landscaping

  • Entry Fish Sculptures

  • Experience Automation environments with complimentary props.

        Inclusive areas are as follows, Outdoor Cooking Area, Spa, Pool, Shower, Bath & Ensuite Amenities.

  • Rugs seen within the home - unlinked to the floors for your convienance

  • Decorative panel  elements & random pieces of Art, most unlinked

  • Built in  linked cabinetry

  • Lighting embellishments

  • Linked sets of  props that enhance the character of the Butlers Pantry and Outdoor Kitchen Lanai areas.

  • Life Buoys  that on click, supply couples pool floats in both the spa and waterside recreation areas

  • Kitchen Props, on rez, that compliment  PATRON Experience animations

  • Bathroom Props, on rez, that compliment Experience animations

  • Pool  and Spa Props, on rez, that compliment Experience animations

  • Unique party deck that can be summoned in eight exclusive options and one special effect

  • The Patron Exclusive Butler System

  • Security Butler


The Patron House  2016 is sold "copy" exclusively. No exceptions.


Great care has been taken with the linksets throughout  the home.  There is a complexity in arranging combinations of mesh, sculpts & standard prim work for lowest potential land impact. There is also an inherent responsibility when factoring introduced commerical templates,  whether they be mesh, animations or textures, that the protection, license criteria  and respect of content in that context is always observed in conjunction with PATRON Unique content. Linksets throughout the home, however, are 'considerate and careful', this allows for a degree of customisation in as much as some segments can be removed without detriment to the aesthetic of the general environment.


The  PATRON  House uses the most contemporary technology attainable in Second Life  at this time with it's automation systems being the latest Experience Tools.


These are imperative to the ease with which we hope future home Owners  & their guests will enjoy the PATRON House 2016. These tools provide the most seamless and organic potential interactions Inworld. Requiring only a few minutes to set up, providing an ongoing effortless  immersive experience. All PATRON content at this time employs Experience automation. 


The PATRON Experience and AVSit Experience are  both employed.  


PATRON employed  consultation with one of the most astounding  scripting experts in Second Life during the design  revision of Patron House 2016. This was  to ensure the highest level of both user ease as well as  perfection of  outcome. PATRON has retained this relationship and is  confident to engage it's own  private Technology Curator. All content displayed within the Patron Home  2016 is facilitated by Experience Tools, while covering a range of unique features, this predominantly  includes  built in animations &  complimenting props.


The PATRON House 2016 includes the PATRON unique Butler System. 


The PATRON Butler  System offers  you, within the parameters  of the entire  build  and  gardens, a range of  incredible activities on demand.  Currently the system offers a couples  dance animation,  a range of affectionate couples animations, the opportunity to play Acoustic Guitar as well as  domestic duties. The domestic duties are just for fun, guest spills red wine on the rug, we've got you covered. Too many crumbs on the dining table, jump up there and sweep them off.  The Butler System also  includes a section of a more erotic nature.


In direct reference to the Acoustic Guitar, it  features artwork by Eliza and you are able, at this current  time, to play  any one of four beautiful music options on touch when you summon a guitar to automatically attach to you via the Butler System. Music by Composers

 J.S Bach, Francisco Tárrega and the final romantic piece with origins that the authorship  remains  in question. It is suspected of being a solo instrumental guitar work originating in  the 19th century.


  • Bourree for guitar                  

  • Adelita for guitar                    

  • Sueno  for guitar        

  • Romance Anónimo                                                 


As more ideas present to Eliza, and more options prevail over time,  there will be self installing expansion package upgrades for the  PATRON Butler,  as additional options, should you wish to  purchase for  your home.


Animations within PATRON House 2016


The animations used within the PATRON House 2016,  as well as the  content displayed within,  are of the highest quality attainable to builders currently using motion capture technology for sincerity of user experience. This has seen a major refurbishment of PATRON content & builds. 


The PATRON house 2016 has an inclusive  Security Butler


Within the Butlers Pantry area,  there is a single Owner only operated switch with an Anchor icon embellished on it. This is the central control area for your Security Butler. This system will  notify  you by direct IM when guests arrive in your home and again when they leave. If you have facilitated  the Second Life  offline  IM to email options  you are able to monitor your home when not Inworld.


The prim count - land impact


The Patron House 2016  land impact is approximately 861. This includes all  content noted as inclusive above. The gardens integral to the design are a significant proportion  of this count. As they are integral to the design, this was considered a worthy application of assets. This land impact-prim count can fluctuate slightly when props are summoned within the home, they are not temp rez. Careful consideration was also given to the impact of such things during the design process. It was considered that there was inherent value in having props of this nature to complete a far richer immersive  experience for Patron House 2016 home Owners.


The  PATRON  House 2016 Land Space Requirements


The home occupies slightly less space than the original, at 64 meters by 87 meters. Please try a template prior to purchase, they are available near the home vendor  just adjacent to the PATRON House  2016 model home Inworld.


​The cost of the Patron House 2016   




This is exactly the same price as when the original home was released in 2011.



© 2016 Eliza Wierwight Patron. Proudly created with

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