PATRON Banyan House & PATRON House 2016 editions
We'd be entirely remiss not to share the fact that Eliza tortured herself making painstaking considerations as to how Banyan House presented in night settings. In as much as she is a lover of sunlight and water, she's equally enamoured of darker environments. There was an inherent desire to have this environment respond as warm at night & considering that the images shared below are raw & captured in default midnight settings, it's quite possible that her goal was attained. Great hesistancy was employed before considering the use of full brights as a foundation consideration. Futher more, fixed lighting embellishments went beyond simple placement & form. The continuing debate regarding the potential lighting interplay with other parts of the immediate environment took on a marathon of time. Finally, there is the hidden lighting an exacting source of both subtle and the evocative. Exactly as it should be.